building area 建筑地積。
建筑地積。 “building“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.建筑物,房屋,大樓,大廈。 2.制造;營造,建 ...“area“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.面積;平地;地面。 2.空地;〔英國〕地下室前 ...“area of building“ 中文翻譯: 建筑面積“allowable building area“ 中文翻譯: 許可建筑面積“area shaded by a building“ 中文翻譯: 建筑物遮蔽率“building area per capita“ 中文翻譯: 人均住宅建筑面積“floor area of building“ 中文翻譯: 建筑樓層面積; 建筑面積“floor of area building“ 中文翻譯: 房屋面積“gross building area“ 中文翻譯: 建筑占地總面積; 總建筑面積; 總建筑占地面積“non-building area“ 中文翻譯: 非建筑用地“total floor area of a building“ 中文翻譯: 總建筑面積 延床面積“a building“ 中文翻譯: 一棟樓房“building“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.建筑物,房屋,大樓,大廈。 2.制造;營造,建筑;組合,組裝;建筑術。 a public building 公共建筑物。 the art of building 建筑術。 car building 汽車制造。 fabricated building裝配式建筑。 “building in“ 中文翻譯: 嵌固“building no“ 中文翻譯: 號樓“building-in“ 中文翻譯: 壓槽成型“in-building“ 中文翻譯: 向內建筑“t building“ 中文翻譯: 丁字樓“will building“ 中文翻譯: 意志培養“a area“ 中文翻譯: 區域“area“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.面積;平地;地面。 2.空地;〔英國〕地下室前的空地。 3.地區,地方;〔比喻〕區域;范圍。 a vast uncultivated area 廣闊的未開墾地。 a mountainous area 山區。 a fortified area 要塞地帶。 an area of investigation 研究范圍。 the liberated areas 解放區。 an area of fire 【軍事】射界。 This room is 16 square metres in area. 這個房間的面積為16平方米。 “area a“ 中文翻譯: 地區防御“in area“ 中文翻譯: 在面積方面; 在面積上“in that area“ 中文翻譯: 在當地; 在地方上“of area“ 中文翻譯: 面積元素
Our factory covcr the area 25 , 000 square meter , building area 20 , 000 square meter , mainly design and produce high - end sanitation products 主要設計生產各類“金山“牌衛生潔具,是一家專業生產高中檔陶瓷衛生潔具的民營企業。 |
building berth |
The company is fixed capital is more than ten million rmb and owns a factory with the land area kf 12 , 000 and the building area of 15 , 000 square meters 該地立于群山環抱之中,山巒疊翠,風景秀麗,生態環境優雅,是得天獨厚的名優茶產地。 |
There are 17 floors above ground and 1 floor underground . covering total building area of about 30 thousand sq . meters , the hotel did trial - business on sep 酒店建筑為地上17層,地下一層,建筑總面積約3萬平方米,于2004年9月23日試營業。 |
Existing factory workers more than 100 professional and technical staff , over 10 , three senior engineer , building area of more than 3 , 000 square meters 工廠現有工人100多名,專業技術人員10多名,高級工程師3名,建筑面積3000多平方米。 |
40 , 000 of which is the building area for production and has about 1100 staff and workers among which some 120 are engineers and technicians 余人。企業裝備良好工藝先進,擁有一支素質較高的職工隊伍和較強的產品開發制造能力。 |
Primary school of basheng village was built in 1963 which covers a land area of 820 square meters , and a building area of 368 square meters 壤塘縣茸木達鄉巴生村小學建于1963年,學校占地面積820平方米,總建筑面積368平方米。 |
Our factory covcr the area 25 , 000 square meter , building area 20 , 000 square meter , mainly design and produce high - end sanitation products 主要設計生產各類“金山“牌衛生潔具,是一家專業生產高中檔陶瓷衛生潔具的民營企業。 |
Soundkeer was founded in 1996 . located in ningbo city , zhejiang province . with 2 . 6 hectare plot of land and 5 , 000 square meters of building area 聲科耳建立于1996年,位于浙江省寧波市。工廠占地40畝,廠房面積5 , 000平方米。 |
Founded in 1989 , jianguo hotel xian extends over 20 thousand square meters including 52 thousand square meters building areas with some 800 bedrooms 西安建國飯店是西北地方最大的一家集旅游商務于一體的涉外四星級飯店。 |
Main building of the exhibitioncenter has two stories , and its auxiliary building has six stories , with total building area of 153 . 6 thousand square meters 展覽中心主體建筑兩層,輔樓六層,總建筑面積15 . 36萬平方米。 |
Its new factory sitecovers a building area of over 20 , 000 square meters , and is located very close to the laiwuport for convenient traffic facilities 新廠區建筑面積2萬多平方米,瀕臨萊蕪港口,海陸空交通非常方便。 |
The big theatre is located in the jiangbei mouth area . it will cover a floor area of 3 . 4 hectares and a total building area of 25 , 000 square meters 大劇院位于江北咀部,占地面積3 . 4公頃,總建筑面積6 . 5萬平方米。 |
Building area and over 300 staff including more than 50 technicians among which over 30 persons have higher education 本公司與國內相關科研機構技術合作,主要專業從事研發制造各類水泥機械成套設備粉體加工設備。 |
Our modernized company covers an area of 9 , 000 square meters including about 2 , 200 square meters of building area , possesses a fixed 企業占地面積為16000平方米,建筑面積5000平方米左右,擁有固定資產1000多萬元。 |
Planned and , where possible , existing residential estate and building areas indicating areas suitable for use and purpose of use 在已規劃的和(若情況許可)現有的屋?或住宅樓宇,列明合適的地點和用途。 |
Beautiful spring spa resort hotel , sanya , covers an area of 20 , 288 square meters , and the building area is 33 , 000 square meters 三亞美麗春天溫泉度假酒店占地面積20288平方米,整體建筑面積33000平方米。 |
The envelop heat transfer value ( ehtv ) is a mean value for sum of heat transfer in envelop by buildings area 建筑圍護結構傳熱量指標( envelopheattransfervalue )是單位建筑面積通過各圍護結構的傳熱量。 |
The world hand - knitted carpets museum , with building area of 30 , 000 m2 and investment of rmb 100 million yuan , has been built 世界手工地毯博物館,建筑面積三萬平方米,現已開工建設,投資1億元人民幣。 |
The concept is a useful metaphor to communicate the message that environmental impacts extend beyond the built area of cities 這個概念是一個有用的比喻,他傳達了環境對城市建筑范圍以外的影響。 |